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Prosecutorial Misconduct

lives taken

Explore the six causes of wrongful conviction and discover practices and protocols designed to reduce the opportunities for future wrongfull convictions. 

Eyewitness Misidentification

Ineffective Assistance of COunsel

Bad Science

False Confessions

Snitch testimony


This curriculum was assembled and created by the the Street Law Clinic at Georgetown University Law Center. The Street Law Clinic places Georgetown law students in public high schools in DC to teach a year-long course in practical law, or Street Law.  In the fall of 2011, as we brainstormed possible topics to engage our high school students when the law students were not teaching, Professor Roe suggested that we develop a unit based on the work of the Innocence Project.  The idea resonated immediately and we began exploring the available resources.  Surprisingly, there were very few lessons and no curriculum units designed to teach high school students about wrongful convictions, exonerations, and the important work of the Innocence Project.  So we decided to create one.

Building a Prison
Learn about what life is like behind bars and how an innocent person contacts the Innocent Project. 

life on the inside


Ban the Box

Compensating Exonerees

Examine what life is like once the wrongfully convicted individual leaves jail.

life on the other side

Transitioning to life after prison
Take your students on the innocent person's journey from wrongful conviction to jail release.

600 New Jersey Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20001

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